Dog Training Tips & Impressive Tricks

A few weeks ago we talked about the many reasons why it is a good idea to train your dog:

  • Relationship of mutual trust and respect
  • Good Manners
  • Enjoyment of social interactions
  • Builds Communication
  • Loyal Happy Bond

As a responsible dog owner training ensures our dogs are good social citizens and are comfortable in a variety of situations. Training provides mental and physical stimulation which helps to keep your dog happy and balanced.

Training takes time and should be a consistent and ongoing activity. In our busy lives, how can we include training and keep it fun for both us and our dogs?

Including a short, dedicated training session each day would be optimum. Every day we feed and walk our dogs. We can use these moments to teach manners such as “sit“ and “stay”, or even “look” to gain their focus which helps with the mental stimulation. Keep toys and treats (whatever is a reward for your dog) handy so that you have a motivator.

Joining a formal class or group with Muttz with Mannerz is an easy way to make sure that we keep a schedule and ensure our dogs are getting the exercise, stimulation, and training that they need…and want!

Here's a refresher from canine coach Corey McCusker on some simple but important commands


Impressive Tricks from Our Women & Dogs Circle Pups

Dog tricks are a great way to bond with your dog, offer some mental stimulation (for you both), and many of them build from the basic commands.

Tune in as our Women & Dogs Circle pups show us some impressive dog tricks.



Check out the SWSCD Athlete Advisor, your online athletic business directory. Find, rate, and review programs, local community offerings, and businesses that will help you do your thing.  

Start a group around a physical activity in your neighbourhood. Explore events. Check out our SWSCD Hub.

Look for stories, businesses and more on our Women and Dogs activity page.  

Tell us about your favourite way to get yourself moving. Share your highlights directly on our Discover blog or by using #seewhatshecando on social media and inspire others to get active. 


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