Know Your Oils and Their Smoking Points! 🔥

Know your oils and their smoking points! 🔥

Firstly, what is a "smoke point"? 

The smoke point is the temperature at which oil starts to undergo lipidperoxidation. Lipid peroxidation refers to the oxidative degradation of lipids, (for example..oils/fats) In other words, it's the process of when the oil goes rancid! Not good! 

This is why it's important to pay attention to an oil's smoke point when cooking or baking. 

Below is a list of some good oils, benefits and and heat toleration.

Avocado oil - great for high heats, good source of luteal (eyes), and increases absorption of carotenoids (vegetables like squash, carrots, kale, spinach etc)

Coconut oil (virgin) - great for low to medium heats, great source of MCTs (medium chain triglycerids)

Walnut oil- great for low to medium heats, good source of omega 3s. An expensive oil.

Ghee - great for high heats. Contains good source of vitamins A, E and K

Olive oil - great for low to medium heats, rich in polyphenols, and a great source of monounsaturated fat. 

However, please use these oils very minimally:

Soybean oil - highly inflammatory because of the high omega 6 saturation levels. And over 90% of soy is GMO, therefore, more pesticides. 

Canola oil - uses a synthetic chemical extraction methods, bleaching and deodorizing.
Don't use it!!

Hydrogenated vegetable oils - are high in trans fat, inflammatory, and increases risk of cardiovascular disease. 

In summary, the best go to oils are avocado, coconut, olive oil and ghee. These are the ones I use, primarily. Just ensure you use the right oil, based on temperature you're cooking.

The cheaper oils such as canola and other vegetable oils are a hazard to your health and are used in most processed packaged foods as well as the "go to" in most restaurants because it's most economical.

Please avoid them as much as you can. 

I hope you've found this helpful.  

Which oils do you like to use?


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